Last Updated:

[SA overview] [What's finished]
[Work In Progress entry 0-9 ]
The fabulous SA-logo, by Alex

For more information about the planned story, features and system requirements etc. of Strategic Army, take a look at the SA overview.

What's finished
How far have we got till now...

Strategic Army SA Editor
Current status:
- Code length: 4587 lines (prev. 3755)
- Field sizes: 32x32, 64x64 and 128x128
(that means max. 77 screen 5-size screens).
- Viewport: 12x12
- Building (of houses, vehicles etc.)
- Fog of War
- MoonSound samples
- Fully Dos2-compatible
- Radar

Currently working on:
- Vehicle support (moving, attacking etc.)
- Graphics and music
- Samples for the other devices (1269 lines)
- Setup with lotsa options!!!
Current status:
- Code length: 4581 lines (prev. 4283)
- Editing of fields
- Editing of characters (patterns)
- Editing of radarcolors
- Field sizes: 32x32, 64x64 and 128x128
- Viewport: 12x12
- Fully Dos2-compatible

Currently working on:
- Better filemenu (view directory)

Total code length: 10437 lines (prev. 8038)
Number of lines counted with LINCOUNT.COM.
