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Bussum is located in the centre of Holland, just above Hilversum. It can be reached very easily as well by car as by train. Below you can read a description how to get to the location of the MSX Computerdag / MSX Marathon. You can also find a simple map of Bussum at the bottom of this page.
Het adres / The address:
Buurtcentrum Uit-wijk
Dr. Schaepmanlaan 10
1403 BT Bussum
The Netherlands
Click here for an English description
Met de trein:
Reis met de trein naar station Bussum Zuid, waar de trein 4 keer per uur arriveert (2x vanuit richting Amsterdam, 2x vanuit richting Utrecht). Bij het station aangekomen moet u de Ceintuurbaan aflopen tot u na ongeveer 5 minuten, vlak voorbij de kerk, aan uw linkerhand het wijkcentrum ziet. Overigens zal de 'route' ook d.m.v. bordjes aangegeven worden. U kunt trouwens ook vanaf station Naarden-Bussum de treintaxi nemen.
By train:
Travel to station Bussum Zuid, where the train stops 4 times per hour (2x from Amsterdam, 2x from Utrecht). When arrived at the station walk off the Ceintuurbaan until after about 5 minutes you can see the Uit-Wijk at your left. This 'route' will also be indicated. By the way, you can also take the traintaxi from station Naarden-Bussum (which costs Dfl. 7,-).
Hiyaho, I made this simple map... The route you have to follow through Bussum when coming by car is indicated with a red line. The station is located at the pink spot with NS written in it. The big blue dot indicates where Social Cultural and Educational Centre Uit-Wijk is