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[Main page] [Information] [Guidelines] [Location] [Downloads] [Registration] [List of stands and releaseinfo]

Here you can register a stand for the fair in Bussum. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Download, fill in and print (or print and fill in) the zipped Word-file Bussum 2000 formulier, and send it to Jaap Hoogendijk (Postbus 195, 2040 AD, Zandvoort).
  2. Fill in the form below. All fields exept for the faxnr. have to be filled in. Incomplete forms can and will not be processed. You will recieve a confirmation by email from the organization when your registration is recieved.
Name: Date:    
Zip code: City:
Tel.: Fax:
Nr. of stands (ca. 2 meter):    Dfl. 35,- per stand
We want to keep our stand at the marathon:    Dfl. 25,- (incl. 3 pers.)
Nr. of extra persons for the MSX Marathon:    Dfl. 7,50 p.p.
Total price:
The amount due has to be paid before August the 15th 2000 by remittance to Giro account 1154235 of J. Hoogendijk in Zandoort, stating MSXDAG 2000. When the amount due is not recieved in time the reservation will not expire but you will have the risk your place is taken by someone else.
We would like to have a free advertisement in the programme
We need electricity


If you have any questions about this form you can email to Laurens Holst.